Ok, this is kind of a progress report.
1. Act 2 is finally writen! Plus, it's been posted on the wiki so the other school can see it.
2. Everyone is going to be able to look at the script and comment what they think on edmodo. Actors, I HIGHLY RECOMEND that you read the knew script, because now would be the time to tell us if you're commfortable saying everything. And to let us know if you want anything to be revised.
3. Act 4 should be done and writen by the end of this week.
4. After Act 4 is writen, we want to set up a time when directors/actors can go over their lines, like a practice run so that way you guys aren't just thrown in.
5. Another thing we are working on is a filming schedule. We WILL be filming next week.
6. PROPS/COSTUME PEOPLE: We'll meet with you guys sometime in advisory this week to see what kind of props we need and if everyone will be able to cope with the costume ideas. Please have a list or an idea of what you need to bring so you can share that with the directors.
7. MONEY ISSUES: Since we don't really have anywhere to film the balcony scene, Colton said that he could build a balcony thing for us. I've seen the layout, and it's perfect. He said he could get it done in a week if he had the right materials, but he doesn't. The total amount of money that he'd need to get the supplies is about $100. So we'd have to find a way to raise that money (not to mention volenteers who'd want to help raise it), or anyone could help and just donate some. It's really awesome what he plans to do, but we're not sure if we could get the money. So, I'd like everyone to comment in their groups on Edmodo of what you think we should do. Just do something else, or raise the money. I'll post a picture on Edmodo of what he plans to build.
8. Writers: If you haven't already gotten your part of the script writen, I need it by tomorrow! We've given everyone a lot of time to write everything, so it should be finished or close to by this point.
That's all for now, keep up the hard work everyone!
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